Integrating new assets

This is a guide for developers looking to extend the WalletPay base class to integrate a new cryptocurrency, example: XYZ Coin, into the wallet system.

Table of Contents


  • Familiarity with JavaScript and ES6 class syntax

  • Understanding of the WalletPay base class and its methods

  • Knowledge of XYZ Coin's blockchain specifics (e.g., address format, transaction structure)

  • Access to XYZ Coin's blockchain API or node

Getting Started

  1. Create a new directory for your XYZ Coin implementation:

    mkdir wallet-pay-xyz
    cd wallet-pay-xyz
  2. Initialize a new npm project and install necessary dependencies:

    npm init -y
    npm install

Implementing XYZCoin Class

Create a new file xyz.currency.js to define the XYZCoin class:

const { Currency } = require('lib-wallet');
const BN = Currency._BN;

class XYZCoin extends Currency {
  constructor() {
    super(...arguments); = 'XYZ'; // BTC in case of bitcoin 
    this.base_name = 'xyz'; // SATs in case of bitcoin
    this.decimal_places = 8; // Adjust based on XYZ Coin's specifications

  // Implement any XYZ Coin-specific methods here. See currency.js to see all the methods that needs to be implemented

module.exports = XYZCoin;

Extending WalletPay

Create a new file wallet-pay-xyz.js to extend the WalletPay class:

const { WalletPay, HdWallet } = require('lib-wallet');
const XYZCoin = require('./xyz.currency');

class WalletPayXYZ extends WalletPay {
  constructor(config) {
    this.ready = false;
    this._halt = false;

  async initialize(ctx) {
    // Implement initialization logic

  // Implement other required methods

module.exports = WalletPayXYZ;

Other Components

Wallet components are modular by design. There are other components you can either integrate, develop or your own.

Block Data Provider

you should be splitting up your data provider into a separate class.

Data Store

Transaction history and wallet state is tracked using a key value store. We provide a key-value data store with WalletStoreHyperBee. You can build your own storage engine too!

Implementing Core Methods

Implement the following core methods in your WalletPayXYZ class:

  1. getNewAddress(): Generate a new XYZ Coin address

  2. getTransactions(opts, fn): Retrieve transaction history

  3. getBalance(opts, addr): Get balance for the entire wallet or a specific address

  4. syncTransactions(opts): Sync transactions with the blockchain

  5. sendTransaction(opts, outgoing): Send XYZ Coins

  6. isValidAddress(address): Validate XYZ Coin addresses

Example implementation of getNewAddress():

It's important to create new addresses using a HD path standard this will allow the wallet to be recreated with just a seed phrase and also makes the wallet compatible with other wallets.

async getNewAddress() {
  const res = await this._hdWallet.getNewAddress('ext', (path) => {
    return this.keyManager.addrFromPath(path);
  // Subscribe to updates for this address if necessary
  return res.addr;

Testing Your Implementation

  1. Create a test file test-wallet-pay-xyz.js:

const WalletPayXYZ = require('./wallet-pay-xyz');

async function testWallet() {
  const wallet = new WalletPayXYZ({
    asset_name: 'XYZCoin',
    network: 'testnet',
    // Add other necessary configuration

  await wallet.initialize();

  const newAddress = await wallet.getNewAddress();
  console.log('New Address:', newAddress);

  const balance = await wallet.getBalance({});
  console.log('Wallet Balance:', balance.toString());

  // Add more tests for other methods

  1. Run the test:

    node test-wallet-pay-xyz.js

Best Practices

  1. Event Emission: Emit appropriate events (e.g., 'new-tx', 'synced-path') to allow users to react to wallet state changes.

  2. Configurability: Allow users to configure network, API endpoints, and other XYZ Coin-specific parameters.

  3. Security: Ensure proper handling of private keys and sensitive data.

  4. Testing: Implement comprehensive unit tests for your WalletPayXYZ class.

  5. Documentation: Provide clear documentation for any XYZ Coin-specific features or limitations.

By following this guide, you should be able to create a functional WalletPayXYZ implementation that integrates XYZ Coin into the WalletPay system. Remember to thoroughly test your implementation and handle edge cases specific to XYZ Coin's blockchain.

Last updated